How One Phone Call Can Change Everything

As of 9AM this morning, on the first day of school, I became a classroom teacher for the very first time.

While sitting there watching this mornings #edchat, and contemplating the QLD cyclone, I received a phone call from the Department of Education – and began a new phase in my professional journey.

I’ve been preparing for this day for over two years – developing my pedagogical and ICT skills, learning how to plan effective literacy and numeracy curriculum programmes, and contemplating what I’d do in my first days and weeks of school. Now, to my utter astonishment, I have been given the opportunity to actually apply my professional learning and skills in my own classroom!

To be honest, I’m really excited! I have an incredibly supportive Principal and Admin team, and was really welcomed into the school community. I know I have a lot to learn. I know that the coming months are going to be stressful, but they will be a positive and incredibly exciting learning experience.

Yes, I’m a second year graduate teacher, but I’m not afraid to ask for help. I know that I won’t be travelling on this journey alone – I have a supportive school community, and an incredibly diverse Personal Learning Network.

Dear PLN: consider yourself on notice!

As I embark on a significant new chapter of my journey, I’m going to need your continued help, encouragement, and support. When I’ve asked for help in the past, you’ve been there. I’ve been immensely grateful, and I know you’ll be there when I need your help. Thankyou

I will continue to share my experiences through A Relief Teacher’s Journey over the coming year. I’m looking forward to being a teacher and learner through 2011 and beyond; and I look forward to a long-term and meaningful engagement with my Personal Learning Network.

12 responses

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I guess you'll need to rename your blog now, ;)I did a quick search to see how Year 5/6 in Australia compares to our system in the US. It looks like you will be teaching students around the same age as mine.Will you be teaching a particular subject? Good luck! I know you must be so excited. 🙂

  2. Thanks Janelle! Perhaps we could organise a class link-up later this year – once I've got myself established! :-)I'll be teaching most Learning Areas – English, Maths, Science, Art & T&E. My new school has a unique "Italian Immersion" program which teaches Social Studies and Health. I'll also be teaching a bit of Sport, but don't have any details on that yet. The next few weeks / months are going to be interesting!

  3. Well done Michael and a hearty congratulations on your new position. Your great blog demonstrates your motivation to learn, reflect, take risks and consider feedback. Already, these are signs of a great teacher. Your students will be lucky to have a teacher with such enthusiasm, energy and excellent technology skills. I have been teaching (secondary) for 9 years and it is always interesting, challenging, surprising and demanding of time. My best advice is to try to develop good relationships with all students, have high expectations and remain patient and good humored at all times. Easier said than done 🙂

  4. Thankyou so much Britt! I really appreciate your feedback and encouragement! I've made a commitment to do my best, and the best is what I shall do.Thanks for the 'starting out' advice – now it seems I'll have the opportunity to apply some of my classroom management advice – in my own classroom.

  5. Congrats, Michael.Kids will try you out, they want to know the boundaries you will set.As you are in WA, check whether you can have a class blog that is open to the world – last year someone found they had to be in closed gardens, not allowed with a global commenting audience.Here is the link to Mrs Yollis' class blog with the HTML code.

  6. A big thankyou for all the advice and feedback! I've been advised by my new mentor to keep things simple, so I'll be taking my time getting settled & organised. Miss W. – thankyou for the blogging advice. I certainly hope I won't be forced into creating a 'walled garden' blog, as it would defeat the purpose of creating it. I'll do my research, and hopefully get started in a few months time (maybe Term 2, 2011). I'll wait and see.

  7. Congrats Michael! I am praying I get a phone call like you have….I can't wait to get my first classroom. Going into other classrooms has been great, but I would love to set up a classroom to my specifications instead of someone else.Keep us updated!

  8. Hi Shelley, its an interesting feeling – but I'd suggest you fervently pray that your call doesn't come on the very first day of school – its' not a nice way to start. Best of luck.

  9. Hi. I've checked with @suewaters (Edublogs), and I was very relieved to find that WA teachers ARE allowed to maintain public blogs/websites. Unfortunately, they tend to be more commonly used in the private school sector, although some DET teachers are beginning to use these tools. I hope to be one of them, when I get my own class (again). Congrats on your Google Certified Teacher status!

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