Experimenting with Popplet in Year 3 Science


For those who have never heard of Popplet, it is a nifty brainstorming / concept mapping iPad app. While covering a Year 3 science class last year, I asked my students to have a go at using it to describe characteristics of living and non living things. These are some screenshots of the results.

I know this is barely scratching the surface of Popplet’s potential, and it is on my list for exploring further this year. If you use Popplet, or know of some great Early Childhood examples, would you mind leaving a link in the comments? I’d love to show my colleagues. Thanks 🙂
Ashleigh 3B11 53 30 am

Holly 3B 11 54 30 am

Ilaria 3B 11 45 49 am


2 responses

  1. Hi Michael,
    I used Popplet this year to practice facts and opinions. My students each read a “Who Would Win” book that compared two different animals. Then they made a Fact Popplet and an Opinion Popplet. Here is one example https://kidblog.org/class/sis-grade-three/posts/e3pr62ov8emkt0vb5uf6vlrpx
    I’ve also used it to show comparative and superlative adjectives: tall, taller, tallest. The students love that they can insert photos to illustrate their ideas too. I agree that it is a nifty app that I should use more often. I’m looking forward to hearing about other ways teachers are using it.

    • Hi Tina. Thank you for sharing this example! I quite like the facts and opinions about the Tasmanian Devils. Sadly, they are coming every closer to extinction due to a facial cancer – that so far we haven’t found a way to cure 🙁

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