As a new teacher, I established a reflective journal; documenting and reflecting on my teaching experiences, observations, and ongoing professional development throughout my first year.
I view my journal as a very personal record of my experiences. As I flick through my handwritten entries, recorded in multiple exercise books, I can trace the low points, bitter times, and highlights of my professional learning journey. I can now look back, laugh about my mistakes, and marvel at how far I have come.
I am no longer the nervous, inexperienced, and inefficient teacher I once was. I am hardened by experience, better organised, and a much more effective relief teacher. I am proud of my work, and enjoy the variety and flexibility my job offers.
Learning to Blog, Blogging to Learn
Now, writing for A Relief Teacher’s Journey, I have discovered the incredible power of blogging as a reflective tool, and as a medium for sharing my thoughts, skills, and practice with teachers around the world.
Learning to blog was somewhat easy. It is the lessons I have learnt through my blogging endeavours, and the professional connections which my work has fostered, which make the experience worthwhile. Thankyou for the feedback – it is greatly appreciated.
Until next time …