“Connecting Globally” (@clivesir)

 Casting an eye over my Twitter feeds this morning, I was mightily pleased to see an old ‘PLN  friend’ and mentor back online. 




Clive Elsmore, or @clivesir as I’ve come to know him, has spent the past few years working in India and Sri Lanka as a volunteer teacher, training local teachers in the use of ICT technologies and Web 2.0 tools like Skype. (He’s now back in the United Kingdom.)

As a very special member of my PLN, and someone with whom I have many educational interests in common, I wanted to take a moment to share @clivesir’s thoughts on how global connections impact on teaching and learning in today’s world.

I first ‘met’ Clive as a newbie tweep around 6 months ago, when he literally took me ‘under his wing’; teaching me the Twitter basics and introducing me to some of the most integral members of my Personal Learning Network or PLN.

While Clive modestly puts this down to the ‘power of social networking’, his encouragement, feedback, and entertaining conversations mean a lot to me; and were a consolation and support as we journeyed through some very exciting, and very difficult times in our respective professional lives.

Today, I’d like to share Clive’s video in which he describes his work and ‘global educational connections’ in his own words. It was my first chance to virtually ‘meet’ this amazing educator, and it provides an excellent outside perspective on my own efforts to form global connections around the world.




4 responses

  1. Well, I don't really know what to say about this! "Thank You", obviously, to start with! Very kind of you, Sir! I was lucky to spot you, Michael, when you were setting out with this Social Media thing. I know it can be a bit of a hurdle to start with and I know that some people start, struggle and give up. I was very happy to share with you what had been shared with me by my 'mentor', as I mention in this clip, and happy to give you a bit of a 'heave up'. That's one of the great things about Twitter and blogging – the connections we make somehow help fill one of the gaps in our social and professional lives. And more – it helps us move forward – as I clearly see you are doing in big strides! It can't be easy being a relief teacher and I enjoy reading about your thoughts and how you meet and overcome the challenges. Bottom line: It's an honour and a pleasure to know you Michael!

  2. What a really nice guy! Thanks both of you for sharing. You very obviously 'make a difference' Clive. I like and strongly agree with your stressing the 'very real authentic learning' that this connecting enables for children and their families from both sides of the conversation.

  3. Thanks for the comments guys! Revising my About Me page this morning, I realised that the global connections I have formed (particularly over the past few months) have really changed the way I teach and the way I learn. The global connections we make through blogging and Twitter inspire, motivate, teach, and support both students' learning AND our teaching. Its a two-way process, with mutual benefits for all parties.

  4. Thanks for sharing this Michael. What a great story from Clive. We have registered an interest in the Twins program so I am hoping I can convince others at school to take part.

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